"Two people are naked and excited... Do you want to kiss me or something?' Two female friends take off from their sense of freedom to travel and have same sex! The first time for girls to have sex with friends! The sweet henbo's eye and the solid man Lumi are friends from elementary school. Since I couldn't meet all the way after graduating from school, I took a break and went on a hot spring trip. ■An approach from eye to homosexuality with a snail in an open-air bath... Long kisses that are gentle to the bewildering rumi. Once accepted, Lumi proactively makes you feel the eye and rises to heaven, both sweaty. The next step in the room is to wear yukata. Lumi, who was blamed by the eye and disturbed her breath, said, "May I feel better this time?" He loves the eye with a jealous word. The two raised up at the same time by rubbing their genitals.