The owner had to leave the house for a while, so he was able to keep his beloved pet. The sexy dog's name is "Hosaka Eri". But when I went up to the room, I was somewhat disgusted. I'm not going to sit down or have any hands at all. Give your favorite toy and you'll feel happy on the crotch! Wanko who felt stingy is pheropypacon by sniffing the chi-po. With proud boobs, it is almost raging! I was hit by a meat stick and whacked! The next thing I was asked to keep is “Mitsubachi”. The name of Mitsubachi is 'Hazuki.' If you say you want honey, it will let you bake a lot of delicious honey. I also say that you will be very special thank you, but it is a high bill! Why? Although I am confused, I can not hold it anymore and get tired of Muchimchiboin! The etched honeybee is so comfortable that it's very bang!